Don Ruperto Reserva
A blend of various Honduran tobaccos and Criollo 98. These cigars combine tobaccos from different regions of Honduras, such as El Paraiso, Olancho, and Copan, along with Nicaraguan tobaccos.
A blend of various Honduran tobaccos and Criollo 98. These cigars combine tobaccos from different regions of Honduras, such as El Paraiso, Olancho, and Copan, along with Nicaraguan tobaccos.
The filling creates a unique distinction in aroma and flavor. The cigars are handmade with high-quality tobacco and range from mild to medium in taste.
They are packaged in Honduran cedar wood boxes, which enhance and preserve the flavor. These features reflect the pride and dedication put into crafting our product.
Don Ruperto Cigars – A cigar from true smoking enthusiasts.
Elevate your cigar experience with our curated Tasting and Pairing Guide, designed to enhance the rich flavors of our premium hand-rolled Honduran cigars.
As an avid cigar enthusiast, I’ve tried many brands, but Don Ruperto Cigars stands above the rest. The craftsmanship is exceptional, and the rich, smooth flavors are unmatched. Whether it’s after a long day or shared with friends, Don Ruperto is my go-to brand. I recommend it to anyone who appreciates fine cigar making.
Don Ruperto Cigars have redefined my smoking experience. From the moment I light one, I’m in for a luxurious journey. The draw is perfect, and the balanced flavor burns evenly. Whether for a special occasion or a casual smoke, Don Ruperto has earned its place as my top cigar brand. Truly exceptional.
I’ve been smoking cigars for years, and Don Ruperto is now my brand of choice. Each cigar is crafted with great attention to detail and consistency. From the first puff to the last, the flavor is smooth and satisfying. I’ve recommended Don Ruperto to all my friends, and they all agree—it’s exceptional.
After 20 years of smoking cigars, Don Ruperto offers the finest blends I’ve ever had. The flavor is rich yet smooth, and the craftsmanship is evident from the first to last puff. The passion behind each cigar is clear. Don Ruperto has become a staple in my humidor.
A blend of various Honduran tobaccos and Criollo 98. These cigars combine tobaccos from different regions of Honduras, such as El Paraiso, Olancho, and Copan, along with Nicaraguan tobaccos.