Our cigar brand represents the pinnacle of Honduran craftsmanship, offering a premium selection of hand-rolled cigars made from sustainably-grown, aged tobacco. Each cigar is meticulously crafted to reflect the rich heritage and tradition of Honduras while embracing modern innovations to deliver an unparalleled smoking experience. From mild, aromatic blends to bold, full-bodied options, our collection caters to every palate, making each cigar a celebration of flavor and quality. More than just cigars, we provide resources for cigar care, pairing guides, and exclusive limited editions, ensuring both seasoned aficionados and newcomers find a product that resonates with their tastes. Rooted in values of craftsmanship, quality, and sustainability, our mission is to connect you to the heart of Honduras, one cigar at a time.
We use only the finest tobacco, ensuring every cigar offers a rich and complex experience.
A blend of various Honduran tobaccos and Criollo 98. These cigars combine tobaccos from different regions of Honduras, such as El Paraiso, Olancho, and Copan, along with Nicaraguan tobaccos.